Last week, we took a look at the nutrition issues for the 5 and 10 km distances; today, we’ll cover the longer distances. http://www.nationalpost.com/life/before+during+after+ready/4398501/story.html

Adding pureed vegetables to entrees reduces the number of calories the meals pack without sacrificing texture or taste, according to Pennsylvania State University researchers who tried it on unsuspecting study subjects. http://www.canada.com/health/Hidden+veggies+lower+calories+help+shed+pounds/4378817/story.html

A new Statistics Canada study suggests one in four Canadian adults is clinically obese, compared with one in three in the United States. The study, released jointly with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, says 24.1 per cent of adults in…

From coffee to ground beef to T-Shirts, prices in Canada for many items are headed higher as basic commodities, such as coffee beans, raw sugar, cotton and oil, continue to soar on global markets. http://www.moneyville.ca/article/947584–why-food-and-clothing-costs-are-rising?bn=1

Does cooking method (such as microwave versus stove top) affect how nutritious food is? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/ask-a-health-expert/ask-a-dietitian/how-does-cooking-method-alter-a-foods-nutrition/article1892190/

According to a new U.S. study published in the online edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, boosting your intake of foods rich in B vitamins can significantly lower the odds you’ll suffer from PMS. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/leslie-beck/suffering-from-pms-chow-down-on-b-vitamins/article1925480/

Local government officials have confiscated ice cream made with human breast milk from a London shop amid concerns the dessert is unsafe. http://www.parentcentral.ca/parent/babiespregnancy/babies/article/945963–breast-milk-ice-cream-seized-over-health-complaints

Mary Sue Waisman fondly remembers Sunday dinners when she was a little girl. Her Italian grandfather grew tomatoes in his backyard and her grandmother used the fresh-picked produce to create wonderful meals. Her new cookbook, “Cook!” by the Dietitians of Canada…

Humans tend to share a certain creed that goes something like this: If one is good, two are better. That’s fine when it comes to dollars in the collection plate or hours spent volunteering, but not so with certain research-has-shown items…

Yes, my cold-weather friends, March is finally here, a time when thoughts turn to warmer-weather pursuits. Since spring is a hugely popular time for foot races, we’ll spend the next few weeks looking at the nutrition needs, both day-to-day and race-specific,…