6-week healthy habits makeover
This is our most affordable option that you can start at any time! Based on 4 key concepts: HAPPY, HEALTHY, SIMPLE, HABITS, this six week healthy habits reset helps you put a plan into motion that stacks simple, yet powerful habits into your daily routine. With an emphasis on ADDING more good stuff like:
- eating more vegetables and lean protein
- drinking more water
- trying some tasty new whole food recipes
- prioritizing some daily movement
- getting more sleep
- and working on building a positive and resilient mindset
…we’ll help you get you back into a positive routine that’s just a bit better as the programs unfolds over six weeks. No matter where you are starting from, this is designed to help you stack win after win, instead of making you feel like you’re on a diet, deprived, and trapped by all-or-nothing thinking.
Don’t let this six-week program fool you – although the habits might seem simple, they’re small yet mighty and compound on one another to help you feel energized and amazing! Our Powerful Progress Blueprint has built in accountability with an interactive habit tracker you can access through your smartphone, letting you measure your success based on your overall consistency and commitment to keeping up your positive habits during the six weeks.
At NutritionRx, we’re fiercely committed to helping people take the focus off the scale, and instead, make it all about the things you can control to take great care of your health: building a positive and resilient mindset, setting up a supportive environment around you, and following through with consistent healthy choices.
Powerful Progress in the Workplace
HR / Workplace Wellness Teams
Ask us about our Powerful Progress Employee Wellness Program that allows for a positive healthy living challenge that’s judgment-free around body weight and size. We want to help you bring the energy and morale up in your workplace by investing in the health of your team! Send us an email at info@nutritionrx.ca. for more information. Group pricing available.