Local Foods Directory for London, Ontario, Canada
Download a printable PDF of the Local Foods Directory for London, Ontario, Canada: Local Food Directory
CSA Farms in London, Ontario and Surrounding Area
August’s Harvest
4727 Road 130, Gadshil, Ontario
Info: Runs for 22 weeks from the start date (usually June). Offers a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and pie.
Triple Cord Organic CSA
42 Southview Place, London, Ontario
Info: Runs 20 weeks from May 24th to October 4th. Offers a variety of quality organic produce.
Touch of Maple Farm
6860 Glendon Drive, Melbourne, Ontario
Info: Runs mid-May to Thanksgiving weekend. Offers a wide selection of vegetables, some herbs, lamb, mutton, goat, beef, and eggs.
Local, Organic Food Suppliers
Eat Green Organics
1010 Dundas Street East, London, Ontario
On the Move Organics
3392 Wonderland Road South, London, Ontario
Farmers Markets in London, Ontario & Surrounding Area
Brescia University College Farmers Market
1285 Western Road, London, Ontario
Info: Fresh and frozen locally-grown produce; baked goods; and a selection of cheeses, preserves, honey, and maple syrup. Open September to May (10:00am-2:00pm), first Tuesday of each month.
Homestead Country Market
21654 Purple Hill Road, Thorndale, Ontario
Info: Naturally grown meats, red veal grain fed beef, roasting chickens, tender pork, custom orders. Open year-round by appointment.
London Farmer’s Market (Western Fair Farmers’s Market)
316 Rectory Street, London, Ontario
Info: Vegetables, fruits, fresh meats, fresh fish, poultry. Open every Saturday, year-round from 7:00am-3:00pm.
Masonville Outdoor Market
Masonville Place, London, Ontario
Info: Vegetables, fruits, fresh meats, fresh fish, poultry. Open every Friday from May to October from 8:00am-1:00pm.
The Covet Garden Market
130 King Street, London, Ontario
Info: Vegetables and fruits, meats, dairy, maple syrup, nuts, and baked goods. Open Thursdays and Saturdays from May to December from 8:00am-1:00pm.
Trail End Farmers Market
4370 Dundas Street East, London, Ontario
Info: Open every Saturday, year-round from 7:00am-5:00pm.
Unger’s Market
1010 Gainsborough Road, London, Ontario
Info: Corn fed beef, homemade baked goods, fresh produce, local honey, maple syrup, jams, ready-made foods. Open Monday to Friday from 8:00am-7:00pm and Saturday from 8:00am-6:00pm.
Wishing you health & happiness,
♡ Jen
Jennifer Broxterman, MSc, RD
Registered Dietitian
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