Chances of Success

I recently wrote the following blog post for the CrossFit London website, and even though I’m speaking about mental attitude and success with exercise (specifically CrossFit), I think the same values can be applied to healthy eating or really, making any big lifestyle change.  Have a read and see where you thoughts line up on the success scale.

Your chances of achieving success, in both CrossFit and life, boils down to the voice in your head and how you choose to talk to yourself. Our recent adoption of a 10-burpee penalty any time an athlete is caught saying “I can’t” within the walls of CrossFit London is working to change attitudes for the better.

If you say, “I won’t”, then you’re not ready to train with us. Come back when you’re more motivated to step out of your comfort zone and are ready to work hard, regardless of your current fitness level.
If you say, “I can’t”, have fun doing 10 burpees.
If you say, “I don’t know how”, grab a coach or teammate and have them help you learn a new skill.
If you say, “I wish I could”, stop wishing, and start practicing. Practice makes perfect after all.
If you say, “I want to”, well, you can do anything you want, you just have to get started and begin trying.
If you say, “I think I might”, well… what the heck are you waiting for? Excuses suck.
If you say, “I might”, seriously, get on it!  There are 7 days in a week, and “someday” isn’t one of them.
If you say, “I think I can”, well, you’re right, your actions follow whatever your head thinks first.  If you believe it, you can do it!
If you say, “I can”… now we’re talking!  Keep working on your goals and always strive to get better.
If you say, “I am”, keep doing it!  Don’t practice until you get it right once, practice until you can’t get it wrong.
If you say, “I did”, AMAZING! Now it’s time to work on another weakness and continually self-improve.

Stop waiting and start saying “I CAN” (we’re guaranteeing you an 80% success rate by speaking those words)! If you’ve been following our gym online and/or via the CrossFit London Facebook Fan Page and feel ready to come out and try a fun, free, introductory class, this message is directed at you!  Book your FREE CLASS at CrossFit London ON online today:

Wishing you health & happiness,


Jennifer Broxterman, MSc, RD
Registered Dietitian
NutritionRx: happy, healthy living with our team of Registered Dietitians
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